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Understanding the diverse origins of buyers’ wealth: From hard work to Crypto gains

There are many studies of the sources of buyers, their country of origin, mortgage secured (whether needed or not), values, and even age bracket and economic and educational status. However, I haven’t seen a study of how the buyers got their money in the first place.

For some of the ‘Brain left on the Plane’ group, it must be by lottery win, as often their naivety and gullibility are difficult to understand. Surely, it can’t have been earned.
For others, it’s through years of hard work, gradually building a nest egg, which is used for a cash purchase or as a deposit topped up by a mortgage.
Some are wealthy, through self-made or inherited funds, with some of those self-made not appreciating too much moral or legal scrutiny.

But now we also have those who have gained their wealth by purchase or trading crypto currency, memes, and all the other blockchain based transactions. These don’t have any asset base other than the ‘mining’ machines and huge amounts of computer hubs dealing with the unimaginable amount of internet traffic per second worldwide. The value of their assets is based on institutional actions of central banks and country economic statistics, but mostly on confidence plus the whims of ‘influencers’ and individual buyers and sellers. So sometimes, the holders of these ‘assets’ must have their doubts and consider converting their gains into something solid and less volatile, like a home on the Costas of Spain.
Armed with that information, marketing can be aimed at the inherent insecurities of that wealth.

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