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Considerations for Nearby Power Lines, Substations, and Mobile Phone Masts in Property Inspections and Valuations: Assessing Health Concerns from Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

When conducting property surveys or valuations, Survey Spain considers the presence of nearby power lines, substations, and mobile phone masts. These factors are considered due to potential concerns about electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and its associated health risks.

  • Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR): Manmade radiation from everyday sources like mobile phones, computer screens, and home appliances. EMR can penetrate the body and interfere with biological processes
  • Power Lines: These create both electric and magnetic fields, with the magnetic portion potentially being more harmful. High-voltage power lines can affect areas up to 300 meters away, while local lines usually affect a distance of 15 meters.
  • Substations: The magnetic fields they generate can penetrate most materials. The EMR from substations is strongest near the equipment and diminishes quickly, with fields detected up to 8 meters away, and in some cases, 15 meters.
  • Mobile Phone Masts: These should ideally be located more than 400 meters away from homes due to EMR exposure.
  • Underground Cables: Typically produce minimal EMR.
  • EMR Detection: Levels under 0.5 milligauss are generally safe. Higher levels, up to 1.0 milligauss, may be safe depending on exposure duration.

Survey Spain recommends buyers consider these potential EMR sources when purchasing property and advises consulting a professional to assess any health implications.

This information is a summary form that given on , which is a UK information site.

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